It is common for companies to implement a management system approach to environment, health & safety and quality to provide due diligence and assurance to leadership and regulators.

Examples of Management System Standards

  • ISO 14001:2015 – Environmental Management System*
  • ISO 45001:2018 – Occupational Health & Safety Management System*
  • ISO 9001:2018 – Quality Management System*
  • ISO 50001:2018 – Energy Management System*
  • ISO 31000:2018 – Risk Management
  • ISO 22000:2018 – Food Safety Management Systems*
  • ISO 26000:2010 – Social Responsibility


International Organization of Standards

International Organization of Standards (ISO) is one of the most widely  used standardized framework to implement a management system, but is not the only framework.

  • EMAS – EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme
  • CSA Z1000:14, Occupational Health &Safety Management (will be proposed for withdrawal by the Technical Committee in 2024)
  • CSA Z45001:19, Occupational health and safety management systems – Requirements for guidance for use (National Standard for Canada used to assist organizations seeking certification under federal, provincial and sector-based certification programs)
  • OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series, published by BSI (replaced by ISO 45001. Migration from OHSAS 18001 to ISO 45001 certification was required by March 2021)

ISO Standards DO NOT tell you HOW to do it, just WHAT is required.

All ISO Management System Standards follow this HLS, which enables more readable integration of systems (EHSQ Management Systems)

ISO provides a High-Level Structure (HLS) to systematically draft prospective management system standards.

  • Scope
  • Normative References
  • Terms & Definitions
  • The Context of the Organization
  • Leadership
  • Planning
  • Support
  • Operation
  • Performance Evaluation
  • Improvement
ISO 14001:2015 

Where does STP Fit In?

  • Leadership Team
  • Environment Policy
  • Roles, Responsibilities & Authorities
STP RegHub
STP RegHub
  • Operational Planning and Control
  • Emergency Preparedness and Response
STP AuditHub
Performance evaluation
  • Non-Conformance / Corrective Action
  • Continual Improvement
ISO 45001:2018

Where does STP Fit In?

  • Leadership Team
  • OHS Policy
  • Roles, Responsibilities & Authorities
STP RegHub
STP RegHub
STP RegHub
STP AuditHub
Performance evaluation
  • Incident / Non-Conformance / Corrective Action
  • Continual Improvement
ISO 14001:2015

Where does STP RegHub Fit In?

Environmental Compliance Obligations:

STP’s signature tool, RegApply, allows our clients to readily determine which environmental citations apply to their organization by answering Yes/No/NA to key applicability questions that automatically generate a RegRegister from STP’s content. This RegRegister provides a solid foundation of applicable environmental compliance obligations driven from Acts, Regulations, and Statutes. The option to include STP’s Audit Statement and Guide Notes within the RegRegister will provide context to the site to further determine how these compliance obligations apply to them.

Each user has the ability to document how the citation applies to the organization within the RegRegister or within STP’s Inbox within Comments.

The RegRegisters are maintained as documented information within STP’s Hubs, can be integrated within your existing EHS Management Information System (MIS) Platform through integration or can be downloaded.

STP’s RegRegisters include live links at the citation level to STP’s full-text library, providing direct access to the compliance obligations on one comprehensive platform.

STP has a documented RegHub API to support STP clients in maintaining management of regulatory changes in both STP RegHub and EHS MIS Platforms. Please contact STP to learn more about our RegHub integrations and the added value our content can bring to your EMS.


STP’s RegAlerts provide e-mail notifications scheduled to be delivered to the user’s e-mail inbox at their preferred frequency based on the Topics or Citations selected in each user’s Registers, with detailed regulatory summaries and legal register activity.

STP’s Inbox feature allows users to e-mail regulatory changes from within STP RegHub and track the compliance review status for each regulatory change.

STP’s automated RegAlerts and Inbox provides the processes needed to internally communicate relevant changes to its environmental compliance obligations.

  • What
  • When
  • With Whom
  • How
ISO 14001:2015

Where does STP AuditHub Fit In?

Evaluation of Environmental Compliance

STP’s collection of comprehensive and practical Audit and compliance guides provides an accurate interpretation of regulatory requirements and their application to assist in the evaluation of environmental compliance.

Key attributes of the publications include the Audit Statement, Guide Notes and Citation Reference that relate to your application environmental compliance obligations.

Document the evaluation of compliance, including findings, recommendations and corrective actions in our Xcelerator scoresheet OR use one of our many EHS MIS integrations to maintain knowledge and understanding of your compliance status.

Schedule your audits in Outlook from STP AuditHub based on the frequency your organization has determined to evaluate compliance.

Internal Audit

Subscribe to STP’s Environmental Management System – Internal Auditing publication for audit criteria related to ISO 14001:2015

Document the audit results, including findings, recommendations and corrective actions in our Xcelerator scoresheet OR use one of our many EHS MIS integrations

Schedule your internal audits in Outlook from STP AuditHub based on the frequency your organization has determined to be appropriate.

ISO 45001:2018

Where does STP RegHub Fit In?

Determining Legal and Other Requirements

STP’s signature tool, RegApply, allows our clients to readily determine which occupational health & safety (OHS) citations apply to their organization by answering Yes/No/NA to key applicability questions that automatically generate a RegRegister from STP’s content. This RegRegister provides a solid foundation of applicable OHS legal requirements driven from Acts, Regulations, and Statutes. The option to include STP’s Audit Statement and Guide Notes within the RegRegister will provide context to the site to further determine how these legal requirements apply to them.

Each user has the ability to document how the citation applies to the organization within the RegRegister or within STP’s Inbox within Comments.

The RegRegister are maintained as documented information within STP’s Hubs, can be integrated within your existing EHS Management Information System (MIS) Platform through integration or can be downloaded.

STP’s RegRegisters include live links at the citation level to STP’s full-text library, providing direct access to the legal requirements on one comprehensive platform.

STP’s RegAlerts provide e-mail notifications scheduled to be delivered to the user’s e-mail inbox at their preferred frequency based on the Topics or Citations selected in each user’s Registers, with detailed regulatory summaries and legal register activity.

STP has a documented RegHub API to support STP clients in maintaining management of regulatory changes in both STP RegHub and EHS MIS Platforms. Please  contact STP to learn more about our RegHub integrations and the added value our content can bring to your OHSMS.


STP’s RegAlerts provide e-mail notifications scheduled to be delivered to the user’s e-mail inbox at their preferred frequency based on the Topics or Citations selected in each user’s Registers, with detailed regulatory summaries and legal register activity.

STP’s Inbox feature allows users to e-mail regulatory changes from within STP RegHub and track the compliance review status for each regulatory change.

STP’s automated RegAlerts and Inbox provides the processes needed to internally communicate relevant changes to its OHS legal requirements.

  • What
  • When
  • With Whom
  • How

Managing Change of Legal and Other Requirements

STP has a documented RegHub API to support STP clients in maintaining management of regulatory changes in both STP RegHub  and EHS MIS Platforms. Our RegHub API provides the ability to select EHS MIS Platforms for the legal requirement changes to be flagged to responsible parties to review and impact of the change on their operations and assign actions to respond to the changes as necessary. Please contact STP to learn more about our RegHub integrations and the added value our content can bring to your OHSMS.

ISO 45001:2018

Where does STP AuditHub Fit In?

Evaluation of OHS Compliance

STP’s collection of comprehensive and practical audit and compliance guides provides an accurate interpretation of regulatory requirements and their application to assist in the evaluation of OHS legal requirements.

Key attributes of the publications include the Audit Statement, Guide Notes and Citation Reference that relate to your applicable OHS legal requirements.

Document the evaluation of compliance, including findings, recommendations and corrective actions in our Xcelerator scoresheet OR use one of our many EHS MIS integrations to maintain knowledge and understanding of your compliance status.

Schedule your audits in Outlook from STP AuditHub based on the frequency your organization has determined to evaluate compliance.

Internal Audit

Subscribe to STP’s Occupational Health & Safety Management System – Internal Auditing publication for audit criteria related to ISO 45001:2018.

Document the audit results, including findings, recommendations and corrective actions in our Xcelerator scoresheet OR use one of our many EHS MIS integrations.

Schedule your internal audits in Outlook from STP AuditHub based on the frequency your organization has determined to be appropriate.

let’s talk

Let us know what you need!

Let us share how STP can elevate your regulatory compliance with our extensive, up-to-date library of hundreds of online environmental, health, and safety topics.